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广播电视部 国家安全部等



第一条 为了加强对卫星地面接收设施接收外国卫星传送的电视节目的管理,保障对外经济、科技和文化交流,促进社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设,制定本办法。
第二条 本办法所称卫星地面接收设施接收外国卫星传送的电视节目,是指单位利用已有的卫星地面接收设施或者设置专门的卫星地面接收设施接收与本单位业务工作有直接关系的外国卫星传送的电视节目。
第三条 广播电影电视部负责全国卫星地面接收设施接收外国卫星传送的电视节目的管理工作。
第四条 教育、科研、新闻、金融、经贸以及其他确因业务工作需要的单位,可以按照本办法的规定,申请利用已有的卫星地面接收设施或者设置专门的卫星地面接收设施接收外国卫星传送的电视节目。
第五条 申请利用已有的卫星地面接收设施或者申请设置专门的卫星地面接收设施接收外国卫星传送的电视节目,应当具备下列条件:
第六条 利用已有的或者设置专门的卫星地面接收设施接收外国卫星传送的电视节目的单位,应当向省级以上主管部门提出书面申请,经审查同意的,由申请单位报所在省、自治区、直辖市广播电视厅(局)审批。广播电视厅(局)批准的,发给《卫星地面接收设施接收外国卫星传送
第七条 已有卫星地面接收设施的单位,未持有《许可证》的,不得接收外国卫星传送的电视节目;其他单位,未持有《许可证》的,不得设置卫星地面接收设施接收外国卫星传送的电视节目。
第八条 持有《许可证》的单位,必须严格按照《许可证》载明的接收外国卫星传送的电视节目的接收目的、接收内容、接收方位、接收方式和收视对象的范围等要求,接收和使用外国电视节目。
第九条 持有《许可证》的单位,接收外国卫星传送的电视节目,只允许在本单位业务工作中使用。除本单位领导批准外,一律不得录制。严禁将所接收的外国卫星传送的电视节目在国内电视台、有线电视台、录像放映点播放或者以其他方式进行传播。
第十条 广播电视、公安和国家安全部门负责监督检查卫星地面接收设施接收外国卫星传送的电视节目的管理工作,对违反本办法接收、录制、传播外国卫星传送的电视节目的行为有权予以制止。
第十一条 违反本办法第八条、第九条规定的单位,由省、自治区、直辖市广播电视厅(局)会同公安、国家安全厅(局)视情节轻重,给予警告、二万元以下的罚款、直至吊销《许可证》的处罚。吊销《许可证》的,可以同时没收其使用的卫星地面接收设施。对单位的直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,省、自治区、直辖市广播电视、公安、国家安全厅(局)可以建议其主管部门给予行政处分;情节严重构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
第十二条 违反本办法第七条的规定,未持有《许可证》而擅自设置卫星地面接收设施或者接收外国卫星传送的电视节目的单位,省、自治区、直辖市广播电视厅(局)会同公安、国家安全厅(局)可以没收其卫星地面接收设施,并处以五万元以下的罚款。对单位的直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员可以建议其主管部门给予行政处分;有私自录制、传播行为,情节严重构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
第十三条 当事人对罚款或者吊销《许可证》的处罚不服的,可以在收到处罚决定书之日起十五日内,向同级人民政府申请复议,也可以向人民法院起诉;对行政复议不服的,可以在收到复议决定书之日起十五日内向人民法院起诉。逾期不申请复议或者不起诉的,吊销许可证的处罚生效;逾期不申请复议或者不起诉又不交纳罚款的,罚款的处罚由作出处罚决定的机关申请人民法院强制执行。
第十四条 军队以及公安、国家安全部门因国防、公安和国家安全工作需要利用已有的或者专门设置的卫星地面接收设施接收外国卫星传送的电视节目,由中国人民解放军总参谋部、公安部、国家安全部分别制定措施进行管理。
第十五条 本办法由广播电影电视部解释。
第十六条 本办法自发布之日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the State Council on April 9, 1990 and promulgated in
the No.1 Decree jointly issued by the Ministry of Radio, Film and
Television, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of State
Security on May 28, 1990)
Article 1
These Measures are formulated for the purpose of strengthening the
administration of reception of television programmes transmitted via
foreign satellites by ground satellite receiving facilities, safeguarding
the economic, technological and cultural exchanges with foreign countries
and promoting the construction of socialist material civilization and
spiritual civilization.
Article 2
The term "reception of television programmes transmitted via foreign
satellites by ground satellite receiving facilities" as used in these
Measures refers to the reception by units of foreign-satellite-transmitted
television programmes that are directly related to the work or business
operations of these units by utilizing their existing ground satellite
receiving facilities or installing special ground satellite receiving
Article 3
The Ministry of Radio, Film and Television shall be in charge of the
administration of reception of the television programmes transmitted via
foreign satellites by ground satellite receiving facilities throughout
The departments (or bureaus) of radio and television of the provinces,
autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central
Government shall be in charge of administration of the reception of the
television programmes transmitted via foreign satellites by ground
satellite receiving facilities in their respective administrative areas.
Article 4
Units of education, scientific research, journalism, finance, and economic
relations and trade and other units that are really necessitated by the
needs of work may, in accordance with the provisions of these Procedures,
apply to utilize their existing ground satellite receiving facilities or
install special ground satellite receiving facilities to receive
television programmes transmitted via foreign satellites. Guest houses
(or hotels) and apartments which permanently accommodate foreigners may,
on condition that it is really necessary for them to provide economic
information services concerning international financial and marketing
situation, apply to install special ground satellite receiving facilities
to receive television programmes transmitted via foreign satellites in
accordance with these Procedures.
Services with respect to the installation and administration of ground
satellite receiving facilities for receiving television programmes
transmitted via foreign satellites shall be organized and provided by
Chinese departments of radio and television.
Article 5
A unit that intends to utilize its existing ground satellite receiving
facilities or install special ground satellite receiving facilities to
receive television programmes transmitted via foreign satellites shall
satisfy the following requirements:
(1) the work or business operations of the applying unit demands reception
of television programmes transmitted via foreign satellites;
(2) the direction of reception, the content thereof and the scope of
eligible viewers have been definitely specified;
(3) the applying unit possesses the technology and equipment that measure
up to the standard of the state;
(4) the applying unit possesses qualified professional personnel for the
administration of such programmes; and
(5) there is a sound system of administration in the applying unit.
Article 6
A unit that intends to utilize its existing ground satellite receiving
facilities or install special ground satellite receiving facilities to
receive television programmes transmitted via foreign satellites shall
apply in writing to the competent department at or above the provincial
level. If consent is granted thereto upon examination, the applying unit
shall proceed to submit the application for examination and approval to
the department (or bureau) of radio and television of the province,
autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government
where the applying unit is located. Upon approval by the department (or
bureau) of radio and television, a permit to receive television programmes
transmitted via foreign satellites (hereinafter referred to as "permit")
shall be issued to the applying unit and the case shall be reported by the
examining and approving authorities to the Ministry of Radio, Film and
Television, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of State
Security for the record.
Article 7
Without holding a permit, no unit already in possession of ground
satellite receiving facilities may receive television programmes
transmitted via foreign satellites, no other units may, without holding a
permit, install ground satellite receiving facilities to receive
television programmes transmitted via foreign satellites.
Article 8
A unit holding a permit shall, in receiving and making use of foreign
television programmes, strictly comply with the requirements specified in
the permit as to the purpose of reception, the content, directions and
modes thereof and the scope of eligible viewers.
No permit may be tampered with or transferred. If changes in the work or
business operations require alterations in the provisions of the permit or
make it no longer necessary to receive television programmes transmitted
via foreign satellites, the unit concerned shall submit in good time to
the examining and approving authorities a request for the issuance of a
new permit or for the cancellation of the permit already issued and the
examining and approving authorities shall report the case to the
authorities concerned for the record in accordance with the provision of
Article 6 of these Measures.
Article 9
A unit holding a permit may use the television programmes received from
transmission via foreign satellites only in the work or business
operations of the unit itself and, unless otherwise approved by the
leadership of the unit, no television programmes received from
transmission via foreign satellites may be recorded. It shall be strictly
forbidden to replay the television programmes received from transmission
via foreign satellites at any domestic television stations, closed-circuit
television stations or video-tape projection centres or to transmit them
by any other means. The catalogue of the audio-visual materials recorded
upon approval shall be submitted regularly for the records to the
departments of radio and television, public security and state security in
the locality where the unit is situated.
The recorded audio-visual materials shall be placed for strict safe-
keeping by a specially appointed person.
Article 10
Departments of radio and television, public security and state security
shall be responsible for exercising supervision and inspection over the
administration of the reception of television programmes transmitted via
foreign satellites by ground satellite receiving facilities and shall have
the right to stop any acts of violation of these Procedures in receiving,
recording or transmitting television programmes transmitted via foreign
Article 11
If any unit violates the provisions in Articles 8 and 9 of these Measures,
the department (or bureau) of the province, autonomous region or
municipality directly under the Central Government shall, in conjunction
with the Department (or Bureau) of Public Security and the Department
(Bureau) of State Security at the same level and in accordance with the
seriousness of the case, give such penalties as issuing a warning,
imposing a fine of not more than Renminbi 20,000 yuan or, in an extreme
case, revoking the permit. Where the permit is revoked, the ground
satellite receiving facilities may also be confiscated concurrently. The
department (or bureau) of radio and television, the department (of bureau)
of public security and the department (or bureau) of state security of the
province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central
Government may suggest to the competent department concerned that
administrative sanctions be imposed on the unit's leading personnel in
charge of the work and other persons directly responsible. If the
violation is so serious as to constitute a crime, criminal liability shall
be investigated by the judicial department in accordance with the law.
Article 12
If, in violation of the provision in Article 7 of these Measures, any unit
without holding a permit installs ground satellite receiving facilities or
receives television programmes transmitted via foreign satellites without
authorization, the department (or bureau) of radio and television may, in
accordance with the department (or bureau) of public security and the
department (or bureau) of state security at the same level, confiscate the
ground satellite receiving facilities, with an additional imposition of a
fine of not more than Renminbi 50,000 yuan, and may suggest to the
competent department concerned to impose administrative sanctions on the
unit's leading personnel in charge of the work and other persons directly
responsible. Those who have recorded the programmes or disseminated them
without authorization, if the circumstances are so serious as to
constitute a crime, shall be investigated for criminal liability by the
judicial department in accordance with the law.
Article 13
Any party who is not satisfied with the penalty of a fine or of the
revocation of the permit may, within 15 days of receipt of the decision on
penalty, apply to the people's government at the same level for
reconsideration or may file a suit with the people's court. Any party who
is not satisfied with the result of the administrative reconsideration
may, within 15 days of receipt of the decision of reconsideration, file a
suit with the people's court. If no application for reconsideration is
submitted or no suit is filed within the prescribed period, the penalty of
revoking the permit shall go into effect. If no application for
reconsideration is submitted or no suit is filed within the prescribed
period and yet the fine imposed is not turned in, the authorities that
have made the decision on penalty shall apply to the people's court for
compulsory execution.
Article 14
With respect to reception of television programmes transmitted via foreign
satellites by units of the armed forces and the departments of public
security and state security utilizing their existing ground satellite
receiving facilities or installing special ground satellite receiving
facilities as are necessitated by national defence and public security and
state security, the Headquarters of the General Staff of the Chinese
People's Liberation Army, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry
of State Security shall respectively formulate measures for the
administration thereof. If foreign embassies (or consulates) stationed in
China and other institutions which enjoy diplomatic privileges and
immunities intend to install ground satellite receiving facilities to
receive television programmes transmitted via foreign satellites, they
shall handle the matter through diplomatic channels.
Article 15
The Ministry of Radio, Film and Television shall be responsible for the
interpretation of these Measures.
Article 16
These Measures shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.




    公   告









  (2006年8月24日无锡市第十三届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十五次会议制定 2006年9月27日江苏省第十届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十五次会议批准)

  第一条 为了保障和规范工会劳动法律监督工作,协调劳动关系,维护劳动者的合法权益,促进社会和谐与经济发展,根据《中华人民共和国工会法》、《中华人民共和国劳动法》和有关法律、法规,结合本市实际,制定本条例。

  第二条 本市行政区域内的工会劳动法律监督工作,适用本条例。
  第三条 本条例所称工会劳动法律监督,是指工会依法对劳动法律、法规遵守情况进行的有组织的群众监督。
  第四条 工会开展劳动法律监督工作,应当遵循依法监督、依靠群众、客观公正、与有关部门密切合作的原则。

  第五条 无锡市总工会负责全市工会劳动法律监督工作;不设区的市、区总工会和镇、街道、村、社区工会负责本辖区内的工会劳动法律监督工作;产业工会、基层工会负责本产业、本单位的工会劳动法律监督工作。

  第六条 市、不设区的市、区总工会设立工会劳动法律监督委员会;镇、街道、村、社区、产业工会设立工会劳动法律监督小组;基层工会根据职工人数设立工会劳动法律监督小组或者聘任工会劳动法律监督员。


  第七条 工会劳动法律监督组织是同级工会实施工会劳动法律监督的工作机构,负责组织和指导工会劳动法律监督员开展日常的劳动法律监督活动。
  第八条 工会劳动法律监督员应当符合下列条件:
  第九条 市、不设区的市、区总工会应当与同级劳动保障行政部门、企业方面代表建立劳动关系三方协商制度,共同研究解决涉及辖区内劳动关系的重大问题。
  第十条 工会应当与同级人民政府有关行政部门联合建立劳动法律监督检查制度、劳动违法案件处理反馈制度、劳动者权益保障评价制度和严重违反劳动法律、法规单位的记录、公示制度。
  第十一条 工会依法对用人单位遵守劳动法律、法规的下列情况进行监督:

  第十二条 工会发现用人单位违章指挥、强令工人冒险作业,有权提出立即停止作业的意见;生产过程中发现重大事故隐患和职业危害,有权提出停产整改的意见,用人单位应当及时答复。
  第十三条 工会发现用人单位有违反劳动法律、法规,损害劳动者合法权益情况的,可以发出《工会劳动法律监督意见书》,要求用人单位予以改正。用人单位应当在收到《工会劳动法律监督意见书》之日起十五个工作日内,将整改情况书面回复工会。
  第十四条 工会对违反劳动法律、法规,侵犯劳动者合法权益的行为,可以通过新闻媒体进行披露和批评。
  第十五条 工会对违反劳动法律、法规,侵犯劳动者合法权益行为的举报和投诉,应当登记受理,并及时调查处理。
  第十六条 劳动者与用人单位发生劳动争议的,工会可以协助劳动争议调解组织进行调解。
  第十七条 工会劳动法律监督员发现用人单位违反劳动法律、法规,应当及时向工会或者工会劳动法律监督组织报告,提出处理意见,并接受委派开展监督检查和调查、取证工作。
  第十八条 工会劳动法律监督员在向被调查单位和个人调查、取证时,有权查阅、复制与违反劳动法律、法规事实有关的资料。用人单位不得拒绝、妨碍、阻挠,不得隐瞒真相、隐匿和毁灭证据。
  第十九条 工会劳动法律监督员向被调查单位和个人调查、取证时,应当遵守以下规定:
  第二十条 用人单位应当支持劳动者依法参加工会组织,与工会就劳动关系和涉及劳动者合法权益的事项进行平等协商,并自觉全面履行依法订立的集体合同和劳动合同。
  第二十一条 工会应当教育劳动者认真学习劳动法律、法规,爱岗敬业、诚实劳动,自觉履行劳动合同,遵守用人单位依法制定的规章制度。
  第二十二条 各级人民政府和工会对开展工会劳动法律监督工作有明显成效的单位和个人,以及模范遵守劳动法律、法规的用人单位和个人,应当给予表彰、奖励。
  第二十三条 用人单位违反本条例的规定,阻挠工会劳动法律监督工作、拒绝工会劳动法律监督员进行监督检查和调查、取证,或者对工会劳动法律监督员和举报人打击报复的,工会可以向有关行政部门提出《工会劳动法律监督建议书》,由有关行政部门责令改正,并视情节轻重,依法作出处理。
  第二十四条 工会从事劳动法律监督的人员违反本条例的规定,不依法履行职责、损害劳动者合法权益的,由同级工会或者上级工会责令改正;情节严重的,取消其工会劳动法律监督员资格,由所在单位给予处分。
  第二十五条 政府有关行政部门的工作人员违反本条例的规定,妨碍工会劳动法律监督工作的,由同级工会或者上级工会提请所在单位或者行政监察部门责令改正;情节严重的,给予行政处分。
  第二十六条 《工会劳动法律监督意见书》、《工会劳动法律监督建议书》和《无锡市工会劳动法律监督证》,由无锡市总工会统一印制。
  第二十七条 本条例自2007年1月1日起施行。









根据青海省财政厅关于印发《青海省利用国外贷款还贷 准备金管理的具体办法》(青财世字[1995]1022号)、《青海省农业综合开发财政有偿资金使用回收管理办法》(青财农发字[2002]379号)、青海省人民政府办公厅转发《关于青海省利用国家开发银行政策性贷款资金管理办法》(青政办[2006]130号)及《青海省国债转贷资金管理办法》等文件精神,为进一步加强我州有偿资金管理,提高有偿资金使用效益,完善有偿资金使用、偿还机制,严格有偿资金管理秩序和责任,确保有偿资金按期足额回收,结合我州实际,制定本办法。


















